Is Busy Lifestyle Affecting Your Dental Health glenroy dentist

Is Busy Lifestyle Affecting Your Dental Health glenroy dentist Research commissioned by the Australian Dental Association (ADA) reveals an alarming 57% of Australians expect at some stage in their lives they will develop tooth decay, a condition that can be unsightly, painful and irreversible.

However, ADA’s Oral Health Committee Chairman, Dr Peter Alldritt, says no one should accept tooth decay as inevitable as it can be prevented with a healthy diet and proper dental care, even in a busy schedule.

And this balance of schedule and dental health is the main focus of the ADA’s 2017 Dental Health Week, which takes place 7 – 13 August, 2017.

At The Glenroy Dental Group, we join the ADA in their concern for dental hygiene in our busy lives, and offer the following information and advice to help you in your attempt to balance your life and your dental hygiene.

Why Worry About Dental Hygiene?

It isn’t unusual for people to skip brushing or routine dental cleanings—after all, they think, how much harm can it really cause? As it turns out, this is dangerous! Researchers have found a direct link between your oral health and your total health.

Heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, bone loss, and even risk of stroke have been found to be connected to how well you care for your teeth. One study found that people who skip even one aspect of dental care—including simple at-home tooth brushing—increase their risk of heart disease by as much as 70 percent.

What that means is, if you “save” time today by skipping dental hygiene, you will pay that time back, in multiples and at the cost of your health, in the future.

The Importance of Nutrition

A well-balanced diet is often the key to keeping healthy, especially when it comes to oral health, and switching to a healthy diet should add little or no time to your schedule.

Your diet should generally include a variety of foods from the 5 major food groups:

  • Milk, yogurt and cheese
  • Vegetables
  • Meat, poultry, fish, eggs and nuts
  • Fruit
  • Bread, cereal, rice and pasta

It’s not only what you eat that can cause tooth decay, it’s how often and when you eat it. Foods eaten as part of a meal, are often less risky to your teeth than snacks, and acidy and sugary foods are a particular threat.

Bringing Dental Hygiene To The Real World

If you carry a dental “kit” with you at all times, in a purse or pocket, you can improve your dental hygiene whenever you have the time and privacy.

Your kit should contain:

New Toothbrush. Make sure to cover it!

Travel Sized Mouthwash and Toothpaste. Convenient to pack.

Sugar Free Gum. Helps freshen your breath and keep your mouth as clean as possible.

Floss. Or a flossing tool.

Mouthwash. Easy and quick to use, mouthwash battles bacteria and odours.

Simply by keeping these tools near you, and using them, you can take a giant leap forward in your dental hygiene without adversely affecting your schedule. 

Still, Take Care Of Those Teeth At Home!

Daily care, including proper brushing and flossing, will help stop problems before they develop and is much less painful, expensive, and time-consuming than treating conditions that have been allowed to progress. Home-care takes less than 5 minutes a day, and can save your teeth, health, and time!

There are some simple steps that each of us can take to greatly decrease the risk of developing tooth decay, gum disease and other dental problems. These include:

  • Brushing thoroughly twice a day and flossing daily
  • Eating a balanced diet and limiting snacks between meals
  • Using dental products that contain fluoride, including toothpaste
  • Rinsing with a fluoride mouthrinse if your dentist suggests it

The Glenroy Dental Group Respects Your Time

Dental visits save you time and trauma in the future, and at The Glenroy Dental Group we are committed to honoring your schedule and making visits convenient. Our office hours include evening hours on weekdays, and hours available all day Saturday!

Better yet, we are conveniently located in the Pascoe Vale Road shopping strip, with ample parking space, and we are located within easy walking distance of the Glenroy train station.

The Glenroy Dental Group is the dentist for your busy schedule!

Your Dental Future with The Glenroy Dental Group

At The Glenroy Dental Group, your overall health and happiness are our ultimate dental goals. We use the most modern technology available and employ the latest dental techniques to ensure that your dental health and appearance are at the highest level. We want you to receive the best possible dental care with no pain or anxiety!

Our offices are conveniently located in the Pascoe Vale Road shopping strip, Glenroy, with ample parking space, we are located within easy walking distance of the Glenroy train station.

New Patients Special Offers

  • Dental Exam, Scale and Clean for $99 Only

For more amazing offers, please visit our special offers page today!

The Glenroy Dental Group offers INTEREST-FREE PAYMENT PLANS – fortnightly or monthly payments, on treatments above $1000, over max term of 3 years.

Contact us on (03) 9306 6511 or book your appointment online.

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