Good News For Young Teeth- Child Dental Benefits Extended For 2017 - glenroy dentist
Good News For Young Teeth- Child Dental Benefits Extended For 2017 - glenroy dentist
In the news

The Australian Dental Association (ADA) has applauded announcement by the Turnbull Government and its Health Minister, Greg Hunt, to reinstate the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) cap to $1,000.

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The Australian Government has confirmed Child Dental Benefits Schedule will be retained in 2017! This is excellent news for many parents, as the CDBS covers eligible children aged 2–17, particularly those who can have trouble affording dental care. This retention means that qualifying children can receive up to $1,000 of dental care over a two-year period.

The Australian Dental Association (ADA) maintains that the CDBS is the best preventative dental program for Australian children. Without it, the dental health of our children, particularly from disadvantaged groups and those living in rural and remote areas, is in on the line.

The Glenroy Dental Group is excited to be able to help its patients who qualify for this plan, and we look forward to working with you. Feel free to contact us on (03) 9306 6511 to ask any questions you might have, or make an appointment for your child.

Good News!

Entering 2017, the government planned to reduce CDBS benefits to $700 over a two-year period, but on the 8th of February it was announced that the CDBS benefit cap would be restored to $1,000. This means that all eligible children will continue to have access to a benefit cap of $1,000 over a two-year period.

Australian Dental Association president Dr. Hugo Sachs responded to the announcement:

“This is a terrific outcome. [The] announcement is an example of how the Senate, and the Australian Government have combined to support policy that has been proven to help these children access the care they need.”

Who Qualifies?

Eligibility is assessed at the beginning of each calendar year and is valid for the entire year. If you become eligible part way through a calendar year, you only get benefits under the CDBS from the date of Medicare eligibility. 

To be eligible:

  • Aged between 2 and 17 for at least 1 day of the calendar year
  • Eligible for Medicare, and

Getting one of the payments listed below for at least 1 day of the calendar year.

Your children are eligible if the child’s parent, carer, or guardian receives:

  • Family Tax Benefit Part A
  • Parenting Payment, or
  • Double Orphan Pension

A child is eligible if they receive:

  • Family Tax Benefit Part A
  • Carer Payment
  • Disability Support Pension
  • Parenting Payment
  • Special Benefit
  • Youth Allowance
  • Financial assistance under the Veterans’ Children Education Scheme (VCES), with some qualifications, or
  • Financial assistance under the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act Education and Training Scheme (MRCAETS), with some qualifications

You’ll get a letter to confirm the eligibility of your child for the CDBS if you’re a:

  • Parent or guardian
  • Approved care organisation

Older children getting payments under their own name may also receive a letter. 

What Services are Offered?

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule covers a range of basic dental services including: Dental Examinations; Cleaning, Scaling and Polishing; Tooth Fillings; Fissure Sealing for Teeth; Extractions; Root Canal Treatment, and; Emergencies.

“Benefits aren’t available for orthodontic or cosmetic dental work and can’t be paid for any services provided in a hospital,” according to the Department of Human Services web page. In addition, “CDBS services won’t count towards the Medicare Safety Net or the Extended Medicare Safety Net thresholds.”

Child Dental Benefits Schedule Offer at The Glenroy Dental Group

At The Glenroy Dental Group, your overall health and happiness are our ultimate goals for you, your children, your family, and friends. We use the most modern technology available and employ the latest dental techniques.

The Glenroy Dental Group proudly supports this amazing government initiative that will significantly benefit your child’s overall oral health. Make sure that your details are up-to-date with Medicare and Centrelink to ensure that your children can use and maximise their CDBS benefits.

If you have questions about your dental care, contact us on (03) 9306 6511 or book your appointment online today!

Reference Link: To access the article click here 

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