How to Keep Your Teeth Healthy Over Holidays

It’s that time of year again; that dicey holiday period. The holidays are well known for their ‘sugar-coating’. Only a sensible approach and good habits can keep you and your mouth in tiptop condition through the holidays.
Read MoreDon’t let December Damage your Dental Bliss

Resist the candy canes and sweet treats. Snack on carrots instead and save your teeth.
Read MoreAlzheimer’s Disease and Dental Care

7% of Australians suffer from Alzheimer’s Disease or a similarly debilitating condition.
That’s roughly 342,000 people.
Read MoreAll About Braces

Dеntаl braces соmе іn vаrіоuѕ tуреѕ and аррlісаtіоnѕ dереndіng оn thе рrоblеm being trеаtеd, аll of whісh can аffесt соѕt. Sоmе dеtаіl аbоut a person’s dіаgnоѕіѕ іѕ еѕѕеntіаl іn order tо come uр wіth thе bеѕt solution for the problem.
Read MoreThe Top 7 Causes of Toothache
At The Glenroy Dental Group, your overall health and happiness are our ultimate goals.
We use the most modern technology available and employ the latest techniques when it comes to long-term oral health care.
Read MoreTop 4 Benefits of Brushing and Flossing
Brushing and flossing is an integral part of your oral hygiene routine and preventive program to help guard against threats of various oral health diseases. Occasionally skipping your oral hygiene routine may cause issues to your oral and dental health.
Read MoreHow to Recover from a Wisdom Tooth Removal
To some people, a wisdom tooth removal may be somewhat more traumatic than any other dental procedures they have undergone.
As a result, your dentists at The Glenroy Dental Group have prepared a simple guide on how you can recover from wisdom tooth removal, safely and quickly.
Read MoreYour Teeth Whitening Options in Glenroy
Are you self-conscious about showing your smile to other people because of your stained teeth?
Certain foods and drinks such as coffee and red wine can leave your teeth discoloured. Tobacco is another common cause of tooth discolouration.
Read MoreWhy Treatment for Gum Disease is Crucial?
What causes gum disease? In a nutshell, it’s dental plaque. Plaque is the result of food deposits that have not been removed from the tooth surfaces and have accumulated over time. Plaque is an invisible, sticky film of bacteria that builds up on your teeth.
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