Bruxism What is it and How is it Treated?
If you’re keeping your family members awake at night with the sounds of your teeth clenching and grinding, you might have a condition called bruxism.
6 Ways to Get More Confidence and Improve Your Smile
When it comes to changing your appearance, only so much is possible. But looks can be very important as they affect things like your confidence and how people perceive you.
Understanding the Threat of Dental Infection
Too many people are unaware of the seriousness of an untreated dental abscess. An abscess is a pocket of pus developing from a bacterial infection in the mouth.
Get Dental Implants Now, and Pay Later in Instalments
Have you lost a tooth, multiple teeth, or all of your teeth? If you have, you might be a candidate for dental implants, a revolutionary and permanent restorative treatment for missing teeth.
Back To School With Braces – Making It Easy For Your Child
Going back to school is an exciting time for most kids – a chance to renew friendships, play, and learn. But it can also be a stressful time for students who recently got their braces.
Curing Bad Breath, at Home and in the Dental Office
Whether you call it bad breath or halitosis, a bad smell from your mouth is an unpleasant condition certain to cause social embarrassment. If you have bad breath, it’s time to visit your The Glenroy Dental Group dentist.
The Advantages Of Invisalign For Your Teen’s Smile
The teen years can be difficult. Even minor things can feel like life or death situations. One of Charles Dickens’ most quoted lines begins, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” and that sounds like a pretty good description of being a teen.
New Year’s Oral Health Resolutions For 2018
At the end of each year, as we ring in the New Year, we make resolutions, which are often impossible to keep. We hope to accomplish everything we didn’t in the previous year, and resolve to meet all of our goals in 365 days.
Oral Care Tips For Your Sugar-Free Christmas Countdown
With Christmas just around the corner, we’re all gearing up for the festivities to get underway. Mince pies, champagne, boxes and bags of sweets will no doubt make their way into our holiday diets.
Gum Disease –Treatment And Prevention
Many people wonder how periodontal disease starts, and the simple answer is poor oral hygiene, with many other influencing factors involved.